Do you need tree consultation after winter weather?

Do you need a tree consultation after winter weather?


The unpredictable weather in the northern hemisphere can take a toll on trees. You may not notice any damage to your trees, but the effects of snow and ice can be devastating to your landscaping. The right arborist can assess your trees and determine what needs to be done. A qualified arborist will give you a free, no-obligation quote for your tree’s care.


Trees must be prepared for harsh winter conditions. The best time to winterize a tree is before the ground freezes. The cold ground will slow the natural root growth, reducing the regular height of the tree. The proper pruning technique will avoid injury to the tree. Additionally, your Arborist will be able to assess your tree’s condition as it ages. A specialized service will provide you with a comprehensive report of your landscape’s needs.

Even if you have removed dead branches and dead leaves from trees, winter weather can still expose hidden weak spots in your trees. You should get a consultation from a certified arborist to ensure that your trees remain healthy and safe. If you notice that a tree is not blooming this spring, you should call an arborist for an assessment. Although you can prune small shrubs or trees, you should still contact an arborist for advice.

A certified arborist will be able to determine the best course of action for your trees. You need to be proactive in caring for your landscape, especially if your trees are still growing. It is not uncommon for winter weather to lead to a variety of developmental and structural issues. A Certified Arborist will assess the risk factors associated with the cold weather and advise you accordingly. The result of your consultation will help you avoid costly repairs and a delayed spring bloom.

An arborist can assess the damage caused by the winter weather. The damage could include cracks in the wood or a damaged limb. Your tree will need a certified arborist to properly evaluate the damage. If the tree is in bad shape, call an arborist to assess the damage. If the damage is serious, you should seek the assistance of a certified arborist. If you are concerned about a particular branch, it may be possible to cut the branch off and replace it with a more aesthetically pleasing alternative.

It’s vital to contact an arborist immediately after winter weather. The weather can damage your trees and shrubs. Often, the colder it is, the more risky your trees are. A certified arborist can help you prevent these problems by assessing your landscape. You can contact a tree service company to evaluate your landscape and recommend the best way to address the issue. If you have a large property, you can also call a certified arborist to evaluate the risk of your trees.

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